Expressing the Lightness of Being...
Olivia specializes in Human Body Movement.
Please help the not-for-profit Rochester Community Television raise $500,000 for Olivia to make PHASE 2 of the ROC Airport Frederick Douglass Project: five bronze statues of children- one will be taking a book of Douglass' Autobiography from his hand at the newly named Frederick Douglass Greater Rochester International Airport. To learn more about the Rochester Bicentennial Douglass project and to donate please visit:
Coming Soon in 2025- Newly Renovated Douglass Statues are expected to be installed throughout the City of Rochester, NY. Some are now at Aqueduct Park, Rundel Library and City Hall. They look great!
September 18, 2024 at 10am-
Press Conference for Installation of First (of 10 City owned statues) Renovated Frederick Douglass Statue at Aqueduct Park, Rochester, NY.
August 22, 2024 at 1pm-
Inauguration of "Portrait of Fannie Barrier Williams"
Bronze portrait bust and painted panel to be dedicated at SUNY Brockport in honor of the new Fannie Barrier Williams Liberal Arts Building.
July 6, 2023 at 10am-
Inauguration of "Salt of the Earth, Light of the World"- abolitionist Frederick Douglass and president Abraham Lincoln monument at the newly built North Star Commons at Exchange Blvd, on the corner of Fitzhugh Place in Rochester, NY. Please join us as we celebrate the second pivotal meeting between Lincoln and Douglass that occurred on Aug. 19, 1864. We celebrate these leaders who were "Salt of the Earth" and how their cooperation led to the Emancipation Proclamation in America.
This statue underlines our common humanity- and our place as the "Light of the World."
October 28, 2022 at 11am-
Inauguration of Bronze Frederick Douglass at the Frederick Douglass Greater Rochester International Airport
Event is Free and Open to the Public
July 16, 2020- “Rededication Ceremony for Maplewood Frederick
Douglass Sculpture”
Article and video covering the event here:
Here is the official RCTV Media Center GoFundMe Campaign Link to pay for the remaking of a new Frederick Douglass Bicentennial statue and future repairs to the other 12 Douglass sculptures displayed throughout Rochester, NY. (Please be sure to access this one, as some people are putting up fake fundraisers ! really?!) I am the maker of these sculptures, hired by Rochester Community Television.
June 12- September 12, 2020- "Coming Home" group exhibit
Oxford Gallery, Rochester, NY
Check out the exhibit online at:
Many amazing artists have work in this show and could use your financial support to keep creating positive messages for our world.
Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday from 12:00 Noon to 5:00 PM and by appointment.
May 12, 2020- Realism Today, Online Article: “Exploring the World of Body Language” article on Olivia’s
Techniques for Body Movement
May 12, 2020- WXXI TV & Online, video: “Asian Americans” profile
"Re-Energizing the Legacy of Frederick Douglass"
Bicentennial Frederick Douglass Sculpture Project:
Learn more about how Olivia led 150 volunteers to make 13 Douglass sculptures for the City of Rochester, NY.
January 18, 2020- Roc Girl Gang Event "Becoming Boss"
Panel Speaker
Jan 18, 2020
February 10, 2020- Fairport Historical Club
"Re-Energizing the Legacy of Frederick Douglass Sculpture Project"
Keynote Speaker
February 11, 2020- Chatterbox Club
"Re-Energizing the Legacy of Frederick Douglass Sculpture Project"
Keynote Speaker
I will Post New classes soon!
Glass Sculpture of dancer PJ Pennewell for the June 2021 Celebration of Garth Fagan Dance Exhibit at the Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, NY
"Re-Energizing the Legacy of Frederick Douglass" Bicentennial Sculpture Project- Check out to see all 13 Douglass sculptures installed throughout the City of Rochester, NY
April 2019:
Print Article by Democrat & Chronicle Newspaper-
July 2018:
TV Program "Need to Know" on WXXI-
Print Article by Democrat and Chronicle Newspaper-
TV Program "Good Day Rochester" on Channel 13-
News Broadcast on Channel 13 WHAM-
News Broadcast Channel 12-
Online Campus Spotlight Article by Rochester Institute of Technology News
YouTube Video by Rochester Institute of Technology News-
Article by Rochester Institute of Technology News-
First Friday March 2, 2018, from 6-9pm
Olivia will be doing a live reading of the words of
Frederick Douglass with speakers.
"No Soil Better- Art and the Living Legacy of
Frederick Douglass Bicentennial" group exhibit
Rochester Contemporary Art Center
137 East Ave, Rochester, NY 14604
RECENT Live News Coverage By Channel 13 WHAM/ FOX News of my newest Drawing "Chickiemama!"
of dancer Frances Hare at the Rochester Contemporary Art Center.
Aired live on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018. Here is the online version,
I speak at Part 4.
NEW BLOG INTERVIEW with the Roc Girl Gang
Hosted by Sarah Knight, photography by Jessica Campbell
NEW TV INTERVIEW on Conversations with Creatives Program
hosted by Carol White Llewelyn
Airing 12/14/17 and 12/21/17 at 7pm, and 12/16/17 at 2pm
on RCTV Channel 15 on Time Warner Cable, or see the link below for the full interview.
A HUGE THANK YOU! to Carol for her diligence in making this interview happen. I must say, this is the most thorough interview I've had yet. I cover many types of projects that I am working on, including millisecond sketches of Dancers during performances, as well as how I develop new ideas for sculptures in glass.
NEW ARTICLE in Artists on Art Web Magazine:
I'm excited to share my article, which made its way to the cover of "Artists on Art" magazine. This is the entire issue of the magazine, which I highly suggest subscribing to. It is very affordable and full of great information. This article covers the past decade of my studies of body movement:
Episode 3: Olivia Kim
Teaser featuring myself and other Creatives from the Rochester, NY area:
UPCOMING CLASSES: 2 One- Day Workshops in Portrait Sculpture
Sculpting the Portrait:
2 One- Day Workshops with Olivia Kim
This introductory workshop will teach you the basics of human anatomy and portrait sculpture. Students will learn how the skull affects the placement and structure of the facial features by clay sketching the skull and a live model’s portrait on top of the skull.
We will be using air-dry clay, so students can take their work home without having to fire it in a kiln.
When: Workshop 1- Oct 12, 2019
Workshop 2- Oct 13, 2019 from 10am- 5pm (lunch from 1-2pm)
Cost: $150 ($10 off for Students and RAC & NYFSG members)
Includes model fee, handouts and materials. Tools will be available for use.
Class size limit: 4
Where: The Rochester Art Club, Studio 437 (near Door 1 entrance of Bldg) The Hungerford Building- 1115 East Main St., Rochester, NY 14609
Contact Olivia for details and payment: (585)355.0706
May 20- June 2, 2019-
“Art in the Garden” at Russborough House and Parklands, Ireland
Gormley’s Fine Art
Group Exhibit, featuring Olivia’s sculpture “For a Drop of Rain” in bronze and large sculptures by Salvador Dali
February 2, 2018, from 6-9pm
Opening Reception of "Frederick Douglass Bicentennial" group exhibit
Rochester Contemporary Art Center
137 East Ave, Rochester, NY 14604
February 2 & 3, 2018 at 7:30pm
World premiere of "Clara My Love" an Art Song Musical
Callahan Theater at the Nazareth College Arts Center
4245 East Ave, Rochester, NY 14618
To Buy Tickets Contact the BOX OFFICE-
585-389-2170 |
Regular Box Office Hours: 11 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday–Friday;
11 a.m. until curtain time on performance days
September 8- 15, 2017
Opening Reception on September 8 from 6-9pm
"NYFSG Annual Member's Exhibit"
176 Anderson Alley, Rochester, NY
Gallery hours: Sept. 9 & 10 from 12-5pm, Sept. 11-15 from 3-6pm
September 15, from 12:30-1:30pm & September 16 from 1-2pm
Rochester Fringe Festival
2 Performances of "Stories from Turtle Island." I helped create the custom made costume for the "Wolf" Creation story of the Ojibwa clan dance. This is an amazing collection of dances that feed the soul.
Geva Theater- 75 Woodbury Blvd, Rochester, NY 14607
September 20 at 7:30pm, September 21 at 6pm, September 22 at 7pm, September 23 at 1pm
Rochester Fringe Festival
4 Performances of "element all" dance collaboration with Professor Heather Roffe. Come see Olivia's set design for this abstract contemporary piece. AN EXCITING NEW COLLABORATION!
Geva Theater- 75 Woodbury Blvd, Rochester, NY 14607
September 23 & 30, October 7 & 29, 2017
4 Saturdays from 10am-5pm
Portrait Sculpture Workshop
Class Location: Wayne County Council for the Arts- 108 West Miller St. Newark, NY 14513
Contact Olivia at (585)355.0706 or email to SIGN UP
This workshop covers sculpting clay using a live model as reference, making a waste mold, casting and finishing. A very good introduction to different sculpture processes.
February 26, 2017 from 2-4pm
Penfield Art Association Juror's Critique
Barnes & Noble, 3349 Monroe Ave., Pittsford, NY 14618
I will be commenting on the prize winners and also give general insights on the exhibit. This is very useful to listen to, as beginner to advanced artists can learn from each other's work.
March 4, 2017 from 1-3pm
Figure Sculpture Demonstration
Wayne County Council for the Arts 108 West Miller St. Newark, NY 14513 Phone (315) 331 4593
With a live video feed, I will be demonstrating how to sculpt the human figure. Using a figure sculpture as the "model", I will break down the beginning of construction from key anatomical points to finished skin surface.
March 10-12, 2017
"Women's Work" Exhibit
Opening Reception on March 10 from 6-9pm, open to public March 11 from 10am-2pm & March 12 from 5-7pm Artist Talk
The Yards Collaborative Art Space
50-52 Public Market, Rochester, NY
This exhibit features the artwork of 30 international female artists.
"At Sunset" will be on display.
March 31 & April 1, 2017 from 7:30-9:30pm
Spring Dance Concert, free to public
Callahan Theater at the Arts Center of Nazareth College- 4245 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618 (585)389-2603
Premiere of my collaboration with Professor Heather Roffe, Director of the Dance Dept. at Nazareth College. I have designed a set for Prof. Roffe's dance choreography. This is the beginning of a new level of exploration.
April 8 & 9, 2017 from 9am-5pm
Classical Realism Figure Drawing
Workshop Intensive
$125 + materials
Open Figure Drawing Group
Westcott Community Center
826 Euclid Ave
Syracuse, NY 13210
April 28, 2017 from 6-11pm
"An Artist's Affair" Banquet Auction
Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester
Tickets $225
I will be displaying 12 bronze and glass figure sculptures in a new and exciting way. This will be the premier showing of my newest bronze sculpture "Water Drop".
OPENING RECEPTION OF "Art de la Vie" Exhibit
First Friday, January 5th, 2017 from 6-9pm
Rochester Art Club, at the Hungerford Building,
1115 East Main St., Rochester, NY 14609
Thursday, December 1st, 2016 from 7:30-9pm
Hosted by the Pittsford Art Group
Pittsford Town Hall, Lower level,
11 South Main Street
Pittsford, New York 14534
EXHIBIT: December 2nd, 2016 to January 15th, 2017
Rochester Contemporary Art Center
Member's Annual Exhibit
137 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14604
PUBLIC 10- MINUTE "The Day the Artist Spoke" MINI LECTURE:
Olivia will be speaking on Saturday, December 10th, from 3:50-4:00pm
The Entire event runs December 3rd & 10th, 2017 from 1-5pm,
ROCO Members will be speaking about their art.
Rochester Contemporary Art Center
$2 General Admission, Free to ROCO members
Harbor Square Gallery is currently representing Olivia's
work in the Rockland, Maine area.
374 Main St., Rockland, ME 04841
Gormley's Fine Art is currently displaying Olivia's work
in the Dublin, Ireland location.
27 South Frederick St, Dublin 2
Locally, Olivia's work can be viewed at her studio
or at the Memorial Art Gallery Store in Rochester, NY.
"Conversations" WXXI News Radio Program
Radio Station, WXXI- AM 1370, WRUR- FM 88.5
Hosted by Evan Dawson
This is a group conversation with Jeff Spevak, music critic and arts reporter for the Democrat & Chronicle Newspaper, Reuben Tapp, artistic director of Maplewood Performing Arts Center and Founder of the Bronze Collective & Jeff Timmons, tour manager and musician
On the theme: "When We Just Can't Force Ourselves To Like Great Art"
Check out my work in the July and August 2016 editions of American Art Collector Magazine in print and webzine!
Live Interview on Radio Program "Foreign Exchange"
Radio Station, WAYO 104.3 FM:
Hosted by Maria Guzenko, February 6, 2017
Theme "Olivia Kim talks about her travels in Italy"
"Olivia Kim" Feature Article in ALONG Magazine
Fall 2016 edition
An International Chinese publication that highlights Fine Artists and their Work
Live One-Hour Interview on Radio Program "The Graphic Ear"
Radio Station, WAYO 104.3 FM:
Hosted by Sabra Wood, March 2016
This program will be focusing on the music and dance involved in Olivia's creative process for her upcoming body of work.
Art House Press Print Magazine article:
"Olivia Kim"
2015 Annual issue
Democrat & Chronicle newspaper article:
"A Moving World"
July 2015
Rochester Magazine article:
"A Moving World"
May 2015
ArtHouse Press article:
"Olivia Kim"
City Newspaper article:
"Winter Art Academy"
Lake Affect Magazine:
Photo of "Inner Sun" and "Shadow"
Winter 2014
Democrat & Chronicle newspaper article:
"The Dancer and the Shadow" exhibition
Radio station 1040 AM
"Discover the Fingerlakes" radio program:
INTERVIEW of Olivia Kim &
Natalie Rogers on their collaboration
Interview starts at 14:27 min.
Thank you to Jeanne Raffer Beck, who wrote an article highlighting First Fridays at the Hungerford building. There's a photo of me working on a sculpture of Natalie Rogers-Cropper, principal dancer of Garth Fagan Dance.
Friend me on Facebook for announcements and updates:
Olivia Kim Studio